SOS Hondoq News

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ħondoq campaigners applaud Transport Malta’s finding of ‘shortcomings’

Published on the Malta Independent on Monday 18th September, 2011.

Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq – together with the Qala local council, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, Ramblers Association, Nature Trust, Din l-Art Ħelwa, FOE Malta, Wirt Għawdex, Greenhouse Malta, Għaqda Università Għawdxin and Youth for the Environment − have welcomed this week’s recommendation by Transport Malta that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority refuses the contentious Qala Creek project.

Transport Malta (TM) has recommended that Mepa should refuse the proposed alternative traffic route to service the construction of a yacht marina, hotel and 250 flats and villas at Ħondoq ir-Rummien. Common sense has prevailed.

The NGOs said, in a statement, “It is indeed heartening to note that just as the Environment Directorate found the EIA biased in favour of the project, Transport Malta also concluded that there are serious shortcomings in the Traffic Impact Statement.

“Firstly, the traffic count was flawed by way of the location where it was carried out, far out of the Qala village core when, in reality, the project will generate unacceptable additional traffic in the centre of Qala.

“Secondly, the proposed traffic scheme for the project was not adequate. This is obvious considering that the objective of TM is ‘to provide an effective regulatory framework for land transport with road safety as a top priority, while at the same time promoting socio-economic development and protection of the environment’.”

The NGOs said they found it hard to believe that the Mepa Board would ignore the authorities’ expert advice, which have both recommended a refusal of this project.

The NGOs thanked the encouraging numbers that have been supporting the Hondoq cause and who signed the petition.

The petition can be signed at

Lejn era gdida: Hondoq ir-Rummien

Pubblikata fuq l-Kulhadd nhar l-Hadd 17 ta' Settembru, 2011 minn Michael Carol Bartolo.

Dan l-ahhar fuq l-ahbarijiet u l-gazzetti lokali ergajna bdejna nisimghu dwar il-progett ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien.

Huwa progett li jikkonsisti f’bini ta' lukanda ta' hames stilel b'110 kmamar u 285 appartamenti u vilel, zvilupp ta' yacht marina ghal 150 yacht, kappella, hames ristoranti, ghaxar hwienet u l-bini ta' parkegg ta' 731 post taht l-art.

Id-Direttorat tal-Harsien Ambjentali tal-MEPA, sostna li dan il-progett ghandu jigi rifjutat ghal diversi ragunijiet, fosthom li zvilupp bhal dan ser jeqred din il-bajja li hija l-unika bajja li ghadha fl-istat naturali taghha.

Meta ezamina l-Environmental Impact Assesment li sar mill-applikant stess, id-Direttorat sab li dan kien qieghed hafna favur l-izvilupp minghajr ma ikkunsidra sew l-impatt negattiv li dan jista’ jhalli fuq l-ambjent.

Fir-rapport issemma wkoll l-izvilupp ta’ triq ohra fil-periferija tar-rahal tal-Qala sabiex tissolva l-problema tat-traffiku li jinholoq fil-Qala permezz ta’ dan il-progett. Dwar l-izvilupp ta’ din it-triq li tghaddi minn qalb l-ghelieqi li jinsabu f’zona hadra, instab ukoll li din tista’ tohloq problemi ohra ‘l quddiem meta jkun hemm applikazzjonijiet ohra ghal zvilupp f’zoni agrikoli.

L-ghaqdiet ambjentali kollha sostnew li dan mhuwiex zvilupp sostenibbli.

Fir-rapport tieghu li hareg fil-11 ta’ Gunju, l-Perit Lino Bianco wara li ezamina r-rapport mahrug mill-EIA u l-EMDP jikkonkludi li dan il-progett ser ikisser l-identità li tant ilna nhaddnu b’ghozza l-Qalin.

Il-bajja ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien tatna l-identità u hafna mill-Qalin li jmorru f’din il-bajja imorru ghax jiehdu pjacir iqattghu l-hin liberu taghhom, jittpaxxew b’din il-bajja pittoreska. Fl-istess waqt ifittxu l-identità taghhom f’dak kollu li sawwar lir-rahal tal-Qala u jaghmlu dak li hu llum.

X’jibqaghlu poplu meta jitnezza mill-identità tieghu? Din hija identità unika ghax kien propju Hondoq li ta l-identità lilna l-Qalin.

Anke l-pozizzjoni geografika ta’ din il-bajja u l-inhawi tal-madwar sawwru l-kultura u tradizzjonijiet spiritwali tar-rahal tal-Qala meta nafu li kien proprju mill-istess akwati ta’ din il-bajja li zmien ilu l-poplu ta’ Kemmuna kien jinqeda ghall-htigijiet spiritwali tieghu. Il-qerda ta’ din il-bajja ifisser il-qerda tal-kultura tar-rahal taghna.

Nitfghu harsitna fuq il-pajsagg li jiddomina l-bajja ta’ Hondoq fejn insibu hafna speci u kreaturi li jsebbhu l-ambjent tal-madwar. Dawn ser jinqerdu bil-progett. Bil-yacht marina ser jinqerdu hafna speci tal-bahar. Iz-zona li se tinzamm ghall-ghawm mhix ha tibqa' daqstant frekwentata wara li ssir il-jott marina, ghax kif gara fi bnadi ohra bhal l-port tal-Imgarr, u l-jott marina f’Marsalforn, inholoq inkonvenjent ghall-ghawwiema biex jghumu biz-zjut tad-dghajjes li jniggsu l-bahar. Fiz-Zewwieqa, min ha f’idejh l-Yactht Marina tal-Mgarr mhux ihalli nies jghumu hemm.

Kif jista’ dan il-progett ikun ta’ ‘attrazzjoni turistika’ ghal Ghawdex meta jekk ikun approvat dan il-progett, ser tinqered il-vera attrazzjoni turistika tal-bajja ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien?

Inkunu qeghdin nonqsu verament lil poplu u generazjonijiet futuri jekk neqirdu din l-bajja. Ma jisthoqqilniex li nghidu li nhobbu l-ambjent ta’ madwarna jekk jigi approvat dan il-progett. Jekk insejhulu progett ambizzjuz kif isejjhulu dawk li huma favur, inkunu qed nikkontradixxu dak li ahna nishqu fuqu fil-vizjoni gdida ghal Ghawdex permezz tal-Progett Eko Ghawdex li tant niftahru bih.

Progett barra minn postu, monstru fil-lvant ta’ Ghawdex, pass iehor ghall-qerda sostanzjali tal-ambjent li tant ghandna ghal qalbna. Jekk verament irridu lil uliedna jkomplu jgawdu l-ambjent sabih li ghandna Ghawdex, ghandna nghidu le ghall-Progett Qala Creek u iva ghall-harsien nazzjonali ta’ Hondoq! Ahna irridu li l-area ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien tigi trasformata f’Park Nazzjonali fejn nghaddu l-hin liberu taghna u li qed jitgawda bhalissa jibqa’ jitgawda mill-generazzjonijiet futuri.

Hekk biss il-progett ta’ Hondoq ikun zvilupp sostenibbli u kartolina ghal Ghawdex u attrazzjoni turistika mill-aqwa; kartolina li tkun xhieda tal-ambjent sabih li ghandna Ghawdex u li tigbed hafna ammiraturi u popli ohra biex jimxu fuq l-istess linji ta’ hsieb ghal gid komuni tal-pajjizi rispettivi.

Inheggek sabiex nkomplu niddefendu lil Hondoq ir-Rummien billi tidhol f’dan is-sit elettroniku u iffirma l-petizzjoni kontra dan il-progett mostruz.

Ahna l-Qalin ilkoll maghqudin, lill-Qala taghna inhobbuha u ma rridu lil hadd jirfes fiha u jaghmel li jrid.

Kuragg! Ejjew nkomplu nuru lil Malta u lil Ghawdex li ahna poplu li niddefendu lil Hondoq ir-Rummien u li ma rridux nitilfuh ghax din hija l-bajja ta’ kulhadd.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eco-Gozo’s sustainable development

I refer to the opinion piece The Eco-Gozo Concept Hype by Leo Brincat (September 16).

The arguments he puts forward indicate clearly that he is short of understanding what sustainable development really means. He insists that some (sic) of the projects listed under the Eco-Gozo initiative have nothing to do with it. This is indeed astonishing when he is meant to be his party’s spokesman on sustainable development – but shows he does not even know its basic definition. The Ministry for Gozo invites Mr Brincat to have a look at the many Eco-Gozo projects currently being implemented by the government, local councils and NGOs in Gozo and provide a list of those which – according to him – are not related to sustainable development.

With regard to the proposals for development at Ħondoq ir-Rummien, the Minister for Gozo reiterates her position that she will respect the outcome of the planning process and the ensuing decision taken by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority on the matter.

One must however note that Mr Brincat was himself a member of the Cabinet of a Prime Minister who very strongly advocated the development of a marina in this same place. What was his opinion then, and when did it change, if it has changed?

Contrary to what he alleged in his opinion piece, the Ministry for Gozo is not “holding back” the publication of any strategy on Eco-Gozo. The Action Plan outlining action on the implementation of Eco-Gozo has been in the public domain since November 2009. It is not “mere” proposed action but is the plan adopted by the government – currently being implemented - for the implementation of the Eco-Gozo vision in the years 2010-2012, following the public consultation process held in 2009. Failing to know such basic information does not augur well for the credibility of the Mr Brincat in commenting on the Ministry for Gozo’s work on Eco-Gozo, or in deciding which projects relate to it or not! To add insult to injury, he was also one of the members of Parliament who voted against the allocation of €25 million over three years for the implementation of this Eco-Gozo short-term action plan. Mr Brincat also seems to ignore the fact that the government has already committed itself to go back to the people to develop another action plan for the years following 2012.

There is absolutely no resistance from the Ministry for Gozo to the publication of a “300-page plus document” which Mr Brincat erroneously describes as a “full report on Eco-Gozo”, but which in effect is the result of the very extensive public consultation process held at the start of this legislature. The Ministry for Gozo reiterates once again that in due course, this full result of the public consultation exercise will be published – for its own merits and usefulness rather than as a yield to the “digging in” by the Mr Brincat.

Finally one notes that the real insult to one’s intelligence is not in informing the public on what government and civil society are doing to see that the promise of Eco-Gozo delivered, but in having the PL spokesman on sustainable development insistently trying to belittle what is in effect a bottom-up effort by Gozitan society to improve its environmental credentials and the quality of life on the island of Gozo.

To view the comments, go to

Saturday, September 17, 2011

TM kontra l-proġett ta’ Ħondoq ir-Rummien

Pubblikata fuq l-Orizzont nhar s-Sibt 17 ta' Settembru, 2011.

Il-Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq laqa’ b’sodisfazzjon r-rakkomandazzjoni ta’ Transport Malta li l-Awtorità għall-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar (MEPA) għandha tirrifjuta r-rotta alternattiva biex tkun servuta l-applikazzjoni għall-bini ta’ jott marina, 250 appartament u vilel fil-bajja ta’ Ħondoq ir-Rummien. Il-moviment qal li għal darb’oħra s-sens komun rebaħ. Il-moviment qal li r-riċerka li saret fuq l-ammont ta’ traffiku li se jgħaddu saret f’post ħażin.
Id-deċiżjoni ta’ Transport Malta intlaqgħet b’sodisfazzjon ukoll mill-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala, Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, ir-Ramblers Association, Nature Trust, Din l-Art Ħelwa, FOE Malta, Wirt Għawdex, Greenhouse Malta, Għaqda Università Għawdxin u l-‘Youth for Environment’. Il-Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq irringrazzja lil dawk kollha li fl-aħħar jiem iffirmaw il-petizzjoni li qiegħda tinġabar.

Qed nistennew deċiżjoni definita

Ippublikat fuq l-Orizzont nhar s-Sibt 17 ta' Settembru, 2011.

Aħna l-Għawdxin aktar minn kulħadd iddejjaqna nistennew deċiżjoni finali dwar il-proġett li ġie propost għall-bajja ta’ Ħondoq ir-Rummien. Spiċċajna mingħand Kajfas għal għand Pilatu. Daqqa skuża u daqqa oħra u ż-żmien dejjem għaddej, u l-iżviluppaturi għadhom jittamaw li jekk mhux mill-bieb jgħaddu mit-tieqa.
Mingħand direttorat għall-ieħ­or, kumitati u rapporti kontra xulxin, u leħen il-poplu Għaw­dxi u l-għaqdiet ambjentali jidher li mhux għoli biżżej­jed biex jinstema’ darba għal dejjem u jaslu għal deċiżjoni finali.
Dan l-aħħar dan il-proġett li ġie propost għal Ħondoq ir-Rummien reġa’ telgħa fl-aħbarijiet. Id-direttorat tal-Protezzjoni Ambjentali tal-MEPA qal li dan il-permess għandu jiġi rrifjutat.Intqal li dan il-post għandu jibqa’ ħieles anke minn żvilupp żgħir.
U l-proġett mhux wieħed żgħir. Jinkludi lukanda, vilel, ħwie­net, marina u ma nafx kemm affarijiet oħrajn. Mela la issa għandna l-ordni ta’ dan id-derettorat biex jiġi rrifjutat il-permess, hekk għandu jsir.
Ma jistax ikun li minn kull deċiżjoni nibqgħu nappellaw u nfettqu. Jekk is-serp ma taqtalux rasu jibqa’ jferfer, jgħidu.Kien pass ’il quddiem li l-proġett tal-vilel li kien hemm propost fl-inħawi tar-Ramla l-Ħamra ġie rrifjutat. U hekk ukoll għandu jsir f’dan il-każ.
Li storja tal-Ħondoq daret id-dinja. Min ma kienx jaf b’din il-bajja sabiħa u popolari mal-familji żgur li żarha u sar jaf biha.
Li tiżviluppa l-bajja b’aktar ramel u xi attrazzjonijiet u bżon­nijiet oħrajn, bħalma hu parkeġġ adattat għandna ngħam­luhom. Imma bis-saħħa ta’ dan m’għan­dniex nagħmlu dak li jridu jagħ­mlu l-investituri.
Din mhix kwistjoni t­a’ investi­ment. Mhix kwistjoni li mal-lukanda u l-vilel se jaħdmu l-Għaw­dxin. Dawn skużi li jintu­żaw minn dawk li jkunu li jridu tgħaddi tagħhom.
Il-Ħondoq għandu jitħalla ħieles biex jitgawda kif qed isir, mhux biss mill-Qalin imma wkoll minn ħafna Għawdxin, kif ukoll minn familji Maltin.Ħsara lill-ambjent Għawdxi sa­ret u din mhix żgħira.
Wasal iż-żmien li kif bdejna nagħmlu fil-każ tar-Ramla l-Ħamra nagħmlu ma’ kull proġett simili li jispiċċa biex ikompli jnaqqar mill-ambjent naturali ta’ Għawdex.
Naħsbu li meta l-korp tal-MEPA bħalma hu d-Direttorat tal-Protezzjoni Ambjentali jagħ­­mel rakkomandazzjoni wie­ħed għandu jagħti każ tar-rakkomandazzjoni tiegħu bis-serjetà.
Il-Qalin, għax fl-aħħar mill-aħħar jekk isir il-proġett huma se jbagħtu l-aktar il-konsegwenzi, ma jistgħux jitħallew imdendlin b’qalbhom ittaqtaq li minn ġurnata għall-oħra tista’ titfaċċa sitwazzjoni fejn jitilfu l-bajja tal-Ħondoq.
Żmien għadda biżżejjed. Ma nafux x’baqgħalu jinqala’ biex ikollna deċiżjoni finali. Il-MEPA jekk trid issewwi xi ftit mill-ħsara ambjentali li sa­ret f’Għawdex matul dawn l-aħħar snin għandha tieħu de­ċiżjoni malajr, li tirrifjuta darba għal dejjem dan il-proġett li xejn m’huwa wieħed popolari mal-Għawdxin u l-ambjen­talisti.

Friday, September 16, 2011

NGOs welcome TM’s recommendation for refusal of Hondoq

Published on on Friday, 16th September, 2011.

Moviment Harsien Hondoq together with Qala Local Council, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers Association, Nature Trust, Din L-Art Helwa, FOE Malta, Wirt Ghawdex, Greenhouse Malta, Ghaqda Universita Ghawdxin and Youth for the Environment, have said that they welcome Transport Malta’s recent recommendation that MEPA should refuse the proposed alternative route to service the application for the building of a yacht marina, hotel and 250 flats and villas at Hondoq ir-Rummien.

Common sense has prevailed, the eNGOs said, adding that “It is indeed heartening to note that just as the Environment Directorate found the EIA biased in favour of the project, Transport Malta also concluded that there are serious shortcomings in the Traffic Impact Statement.”

“Firstly the traffic count was flawed by way of the location where it was carried out, far out of the Qala village core: in reality the project will generate unacceptable additional traffic in the centre of Qala.”

“Secondly the proposed traffic scheme for the project was not adequate. This is obvious considering that the objective of TM is “to provide an effective regulatory framework for land transport with road safety as a top priority, whilst at the same time promoting socio-economic development and protection of the environment.”

Moviment Harsien Hondoq and the eNGOs said that they find it extremely hard to imagine that the MEPA Board would ignore the expert advice of these two authorities, who are specialists in their respective fields, and both of whom have recommended a refusal of this project.

The NGOs concluded by saying that they wished to thank the encouraging numbers who have been supporting the Hondoq cause and also signing the Save Hondoq petition. They asked that those who have not yet signed it, to please do so without delay to help to save Gozo’s natural environment. at

To view the comments, go to

NGO's welcome TM's recommentation on Hondoq

Published on on Friday, 16th September, 2011.

Transport Malta's recent recommendation to the planning authority to refuse the proposed alternative route to service the application for the building of a yacht marina, hotel and 250 flats and villas at Hondoq ir-Rummien has been welcomed by a number of environmental organisations.

The organisations - Moviment Harsien Hondoq, the Qala Council, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers, Nature Trust, Din L-Art Helwa, Friends of the Earth, Wirt Ghawdex, Greenhouse Malta, Ghaqda Universita Ghawdxin and Youth for the Environment, said in a statement that common sense had finally prevailed.

"It is indeed heartening to note that just as the Environment Directorate found the EIA biased in favour of the project, TM also concluded that there are serious shortcomings in the Traffic Impact Statement," it said.

The organisations said that the traffic count was flawed by way of the location where it was carried out, far out of the Qala village core, when in reality the project would generate unacceptable additional traffic in the centre of Qala.

T proposed traffic scheme was also inadequate.

The NGOs invited those who had not yet signed a petition to save Hondoq to do so at: .

To view the comments, go to

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Eco-Gozo concept hype

Published on The Times of Malta on Wednesday, 14th September, 2011 by Leo Brincat.

There are two very strong indicators that confirm why many have every reason to consider the otherwise praiseworthy Eco-Gozo concept as mere hype.

We need to have a detailed action plan…
- Leo Brincat

How can one really believe that the Minister for Gozo has been and is strongly committed to the project when she and her minions have openly supported the Ħondoq ir-Rummien project as originally proposed? In doing so they were supporting something tantamount to environmental rape.

On the other hand, a quick look at some of the “projects” listed under the Eco Gozo project – ICT, tourism, financial services, culture etc. – will show that, in order to minimise any potentially strong effect on the environmental sector, there was deliberate recourse to side issues.

Equally baffling is the insistence and persistence of the Minister for Gozo to hold back from publishing the full 300-page plus document that is in the hands of its permanent secretary, reportedly with specific instructions to keep it under wraps.

Could it be that, if published, the full and detailed report would send shivers down the spine of some of the key government-leaning contracting firms that thrived under this Administration in Gozo in a near monopolistic manner?

What was the true reason why a former Nationalist MEP candidate stuck his neck out so much in full support of the original Ħondoq project? Gozo Minister Giovanna Debono recently stated that she will respect any board decision by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority on Ħondoq. But in order to feel reassured we must first figure out how the Mepa board will ultimately decide on the project. Every single Mepa board member should be held personally responsible for the way s/he shall exercise his/her vote on the Ħondoq project.

The minister continues to refer us to an Eco-Gozo action plan “online”. This is nothing but a mere “proposed” action plan meant to take us from 2010 to 2012. Merely stating that “Gozo will become an eco-island by 2020, supported by a keen and committed sustainable community” is far from enough.

We need to have a detailed action plan, possibly based on the recommendations and conclusions of the as yet unpublished full report on Eco-Gozo that, from what I have been told by environmental experts, drew on the expertise of many specialists in the field when being compiled.

While committing itself to turn Gozo into an eco-island by 2020, the government also stated that this was one of the declared objectives for the island, one of the seven strategic targets set for the country in the “ambitious” (sic) Vision 2015 For The Maltese Islands.

A mere look at how basic environmental considerations have been flagrantly ignored and abused in Gozo, with certain high officials’ apparently tacit and not so tacit consent, makes a mockery of the Prime Minister’s declaration that the government “will transform Gozo into an ecological island, a model of sustainable development”.

Interestingly, although the full Eco-Gozo technical report continues to gather dust, reportedly in the Gozo Ministry’s own confines, the ministry had committed itself in November 2009 to the “pledge” that the Eco-Gozo vision document would be published shortly (a commitment made almost two years ago!). This it had done in a proposed action plan that runs out next year and which is only 29 pages long!

It would be interesting to know what the ministry really has in mind regarding renewable energy in a holistic and comprehensive manner rather than via piecemeal one-off proposals.

Does the ministry have any position on the proposal that Edward A. Mallia has been long floating of a wind farm rather close to Gozo?

Does Gozo really and truly have an ecological master plan to become entirely energy sustainable? If in the affirmative, can this be published with immediate effect?

The government’s feeble excuse that it is already implementing most of the recommendations without having chosen to publish the full report in question is mind-boggling, to say the least. While I am not one of those who tend to adopt a fundamentalist approach towards development so long as it is truly sustainable – way beyond mere lip service – I think that, particularly in the case of Gozo, full transparency regarding any projects underway and under consideration is imperative.

What really angers me is the fact that at the same time that government spin doctors are constantly trying to ram the Eco-Gozo concept down our throats, some of the worst environmental crimes have been and are still being perpetrated in the so called eco-island.

When I recently tried to track in Parliament how and on what projects were the Eco-Gozo allocated funds being spent, I was given this curt and bland reply by Mrs Debono: “I have been informed that about €6 million have been allocated by the government for the financial year 2011 for Eco-Gozo projects. This ‘fund’ is being used to ‘continue’ work on projects and initiatives started earlier on and to carry out various initiatives, work on which commenced this year.”

The reply was given last July 12, just a few days before Parliament rose for the summer recess.

I will no doubt keep on digging further until truth will prevail.

Colourful, full-page ads in the media, whereby the ministry boasts that “In just two years we have done so much… and this is only a fraction of what we’re doing” are rich indeed and an insult to one’s intelligence.

To view the comments, go to

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Petition to ‘save Ħondoq’

Published on the Malta Independent on the 21st August, 2011.

Ħondoq ir-Rummien campaigners have set up a petition at to convince the Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s board to uphold the decision of its Environment Protection Directorate and refuse to grant the permit for the development of Ħondoq ir-Rummien.

Long-time Ħondoq campaigner Paul Buttigieg comments, “I am very pleased to be part of a team of NGOs who all believe in the same cause, that is, Ħondoq ir-Rummien should be saved from speculation and remain in its natural state for all to enjoy.

“The authorities need to understand that Hondoq is not just a beach as it also plays an important role in many people’s lives especially where the social aspect is concerned.

“The people of Malta and Gozo as well as foreign visitors have already shown in the past that Ħondoq is important for them after Mepa received a record number of objections against the proposed project.

“This record was only broken when the St John’s Cathedral application was lodged.”

Monday, September 05, 2011

Eco-Gozo stands or falls at Ħondoq ir-Rummien

Published on The Malta Independent on Sunday 4th September, 2011 by James A. Tyrrell.

Not so long ago, Minister for Gozo Giovanna Debono declared her support for the marina, villas, apartments and a hotel project at Ħondoq. Now that Mepa’s Environmental Directorate has voted against the idea of a marina, villas and so on, she seems to have changed her mind and is now against the idea. My question therefore is, will the minister be using her position to bring pressure to bear in order to reinstate the local plan for Ħondoq that was changed behind the local council’s back, to the original plan as it was before 2006?

To come to the right decision on this matter, she really needs to refer to the EIS and decide whether or not a marina, villas, apartments and a hotel will fit in with the proposed and much talked about Eco-Gozo plan. The area, as it stands at present, is one of the safest and cleanest for bathing in Gozo. Any form of major construction in the area would totally destroy that and it has been estimated that during the excavation period alone, which would last approximately 18 months (who knows how long it will actually take), there would be one truckload passing through Qala every four minutes!

If the Ministry for Gozo and the Maltese government are truly serious about standing behind this Eco-Gozo proposal then Ħondoq ir-Rummien is where they have to dig their heels in and say enough is enough. The time has come to put environment ahead of profit. The time has come to put the little guy ahead of the millionaire developer. The time has come to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk.