SOS Hondoq News

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The ‘almost’ completed repair work at Hondoq

Published on on 22nd June, 2009.

I have just received photographs from a friend on Gozo of the 'almost' completed repair work at Hondoq. I think the Gatt brothers should be congratulated for the quick and efficient way in which they carried out this work and cannot be held in any way responsible for the 6 months it took to get it done.

What I found disturbing about these photographs was a sign reading, 'Danger Works in Progress, No diving until clearing works are completed'. Are we now looking at another 6 months to get the boulders removed from the diving area? Can the Ministry for Gozo guarantee that the children who love jumping into the water at this point are going to take any notice of the sign?

I should point out that the information I have is that the tender received by the Gatt brothers did not include the removal of these boulders. Can I ask the Ministry why? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have both jobs completed at the same time? Just a thought but it would seem to make sense that if you have boulders to remove and a hole to fill the jobs may complement each other!

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Major repairs at Hondoq ir-Rummien almost complete

Published on on 21st June, 2009.

The major part of the extensive damage at Hondoq, which occurred during the severe winter storms in January, has finally been completed.

The work was carried out speedily and efficiently by a local contractor, who finished the major works in just over a week.

Local government workers then carried out the task of putting down the top layer of cement, which again was finished speedily and efficiently.

However, the work of removing the rocks from the sea below the pier has still to be carried out and a sign has been erected, warning visitors of the danger of diving into the sea.

As we are now well into the tourist season, it is to be hoped that the authorities will ensure that this danger is also removed as speedily and efficiently.

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Friday, June 05, 2009

Alternattiva għall-proġett mostruż propost għal Ħondoq ir-Rummien:Għandu jinbidel f’park nazzjonali – il-Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq

Pubblikata fuq l-Orizzont nhar l-Erbgha 3 ta' Gunju, 2009.

Il-Moviment Ħarsien Ħondoq jaqbel u jsostni l-proposta li ħarġet biha l-għaqda Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, fis-sens il-Gvern imissu juża fondi tal-Unjoni Ewropea biex jixtri mingħand sidien privati raba’ li dawn għandhom jagħmel parti minn siti storiċi kif ukoll art ħadra u miftuħa fejn il-poplu jista’ jieħu nifs bħalma huwa Ħondoq ir-Rummien.

Ħaġa bħal din diġà saret fil-Qala fl-1937, fi żmien Sir Temi Zammit, meta l-Gvern xtara l-għalqa li fiha l-ġebla l-wieqfa. (menħir)

Intqal li l-proġett monstruż propost għal Ħondoq ir-Rum­mien, li jinkludi bini ta’ seba’ u disa’ sulari mal-ġnub tal-wied, lukanda u marina għall-jottijiet, jikkontradixxi il-viżjoni tant pubbliċizzata tal-Gvern biex Għawdex ikun Gżira Ekolo­ġika. Dan il-proġett iħassar waħda mill-karatteristiċi ta’ Għawdex li tant tiġbed lejha Maltin u turisti.

Fuq inizjattiva ta’ Flimkien għal Ambjent Aħjar, il-Movi­ment Ħarsien Ħondoq flimkien mal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala taw l-appoġġ tagħhom biex tnediet kompetizzjoni fost l-istudenti periti tat-tielet sena tal-Univer­sità ta’ Malta fejn se jissotto­mettu pjanti bl-ideat żgħażagħ tagħhom, sew tad-distillatur żdingat kif ukoll taż-żona mit­luqa tal-barriera f’Ħon­doq ir-Rummien biex jinbidel f’park nazzjonali. B’hekk dan il-post ikun jista’ jitgawda minn kul-ħadd.

Ta’ min wieħed jinnota li sal-2002 l-art inkwistjoni kienet għadha f’idejn il-Gvern u kienu diġà saru pjani mill-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala biex isir park nazzjonali. Fil-pjan lokali għal Għawdex li sar fl-2006 Ħondoq ir-Rummien inbidel minn żona ta’ rikreazzjoni għal waħda ta’ żvilupp minn wara dahar kul­ħadd. Saret ukoll referenza għar-referendum li sar fil-Qala fejn 85% ivvotaw kontra dan il-proġett. Ta’ min wieħed jinnota ukoll li meta kien ippubblikat l-EIS, dan il-proġett kellu l-akbar ammont ta’ ‘registered objectors’ fl-istorja tal-MEPA.

Għalhekk il-Moviment Ħar­sien Ħondoq ma jistax jifhem kif proġett li ser joħloq tant dannu għal din il-parti t’Għawdex, kif ukoll għandu tant nies joġġez­zjonaw kontrih, se jibqa’ jiġi proċessat mill-MEPA.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Save Hondoq supports FAA on use of EU funds

Published on and on 30th May, 2009.

Moviment Harsien Hondoq (the Save Hondoq Movement) agrees with and supports the proposal of Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) urging the authorities to use EU funds in order to purchase from landowners, heritage sites and ‘green lungs’ which were of vital importance to the cultural heritage, health and well-being of local residents, one such site being Hondoq ir-Rummien.

Something similar has already occurred in Qala in 1937 during Sir Temi Zammit’s time, where the government bought land with a Menhir on it.

The Hondoq creek project which includes buildings seven and nine storeys up the valley side, hotel and yacht marina does not fit in with government’s much publicized vision of Gozo Eco-Island. Such over-development can only harm Gozo’s image as an unspoilt touristic destination and put off tourists.

On FAA’s initiative, together with the support of Moviment Harsien Hondoq and the Qala Local Council, an award has been launched for the University of Malta’s third year architectural students to draw up creative plans for the abandoned water distillation plant and also the neglected quarry in the Hondoq ir-Rummien area to be transformed into a national park. With such an initiative everyone would be able to enjoy this area which would draw far more tourists to Gozo than a mega-project.

It is to be noted that up until 2002 the land in question was still in Government’s hands and plans were already made by the Qala Local Council to make a national park. In the 2006 Gozo Local Plan, the Hondoq area was changed from a recreational area to a development zone. We would like to highlight the fact that a referendum was held in Qala where 85% voted against this project. Another point is that when the EIS was published, this project had the largest number of registered objectors in MEPA’s history.

Therefore we cannot understand how this harmful project which has so many objectors is still being processed by MEPA.

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Why spoil it with the effluent of a yacht marina?

Published on on Sunday 31st May, 2009 by Rita Said.

Hondoq is one of the bays with the cleanest, limpid sea in all Malta and Gozo.

Why spoil it with the effluent of a yacht marina?

Even the developers' report says the beach will be negatively affected and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they are saying.

How many people do you see swimming near marinas in Malta?

Another yacht marina might be good for Gozo, but Hondoq was not even included in Mepa's list of possible sites for new yacht marinas. Even the latest report that the government has done suggested that Mgarr Harbour should be extended for a yacht marina, as it makes no sense to spoil such a clean bay when there are others which are already not so clean.

It only makes sense to the developers. The acceptance of this project would mean that developers have more power than Mepa.

Gozitan tourism and employment needs more greenery to attract tourists, not more buildings to put them off. Many hotels already employ foreign staff, so any jobs this project would create would not necessarily help Gozitan unemployment.

There is also no guarantee that the villas and apartments would not eventually be sold to Maltese. Allowing the building of a whole village Outside Devevelopment Zone would open up all Gozo's unspoilt coasts to development and really spell the end of its unique appeal.

Hands off Hondoq!
Thank you,
Rita Said

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