SOS Hondoq News

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rough seas demolish Hondoq quay

Published on The Times of Malta on Thursday 15th January, 2009.

The rough sea of the past few days partially destroyed the quay at Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay in Gozo, sending large concrete boulders right up to the beach.

Eyewitnesses said the waves had at times covered the entire beach. They also pointed out that the damage had revealed the remains of an older quay, believed to have been built early in the last century.

A spokesman for the Gozo Ministry said that although the quay was the responsibility of Qala Council, since the damage was considerable, the ministry would step in to help in the repair work.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hondoq quay badly damaged by rough seas

Published on

The very rough seas of the past few days have extensively damaged the quay at Hondoq ir-Rummien, washing large concrete debris up onto the beach.

Large waves were said to have covered the whole beach during the height of the storms and have in fact revealed parts of the old quay.

The Gozo Ministry have said that, although the quay is the responsibility of Qala Council, they will be helping with the repairs as the damage is so extensive.

Hondoq ir-Rummien "vittma" tal-maltemp

Published on l-Orizzont on Thursday 15th January, 2009.

Hekk kif f’dawn l-aħħar jiem il-gżejjer Maltin inħakmu minn maltemp kbir, il-bajja ta’ Ħondoq ir-Rummien fil-Qala Għawdex spiċċat f’diżastru kbir.

L-akbar ħsara li ġarrbet din il-bajja kienet fuq iż-żona fejn matul is-sajf isiru ħafna ‘bar-be-ques’. Biċċa konkos kbira li kienet tifforma ż-żona fejn isiru l-‘bar-be-ques’ spiċċat sfrondat kawża tal-mewġ kbir li ħakem din il-bajja. Il-biċċa l-oħra li s’issa għadha ma tfarkitx tinsab fil-periklu li tisfronda ukoll.

Hekk kif konna fuq il-post stajna ninnotaw bankijiet li kienu mwaħħlin f’żoni oħrajn ta’ din il-bajja li konsegwenza tal-maltemp spiċċaw f’nofs it-triq. L-istess maltemp għamilha diffiċli ħafna biex persuna tinżel bil-vettura tagħha minħabba l-ġebel kbir li tkaxkar mill-baħar għal fuq l-art.

Għadu mhux magħruf x’miżuri se jieħu l-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala biex b’mod immeddjat ineħħi l-periklu kbir li hemm l-aktar wara li sfrondat biċċa kbira mill-konkos tal-bajja.

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