SOS Hondoq News

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hondoq development to trigger wave of destruction

Published on on Saturday 24th February, 2008.

If Mepa accepts the proposal for the mega construction project at Hondoq ir-Rummien bay, in Gozo, the neighbouring coastline all the way up to Mgarr Harbour is very likely to become a series of large apartment blocks next to each other.

All the agricultural land on the Gozitan coast to the west of Hondoq ir-Rummien is already owned by some of Gozo’s largest building contractors, has learnt.

Ramla developers with land at Hondoq

Mepa is currently processing an application for the building of a yacht marina, a large hotel, and over 250 residences at the pristine Hondoq ir-Rummien bay. An environmental impact assessment has already confirmed that this beach enjoys the cleanest waters in Gozo, with no trace of sea pollution. But the proposed construction development is set to change this forever.

The proposed development will be built on the bay’s northernmost part, where a disused quarry is located. The land at the other side of the bay is also owned by building developers. In fact, the owners of this land are the same developers who are seeking to obtain a controversial permit for the building of villas at Ramla l-Hamra. This land includes ‘Ta’ Bumbarin’, a beautiful, yet little known, sandy inlet a few metres away from the Hondoq beach.

Neighbouring this land, all the fields leading to Mgarr Harbour are property of leading building contractors, land registry maps seen by this e-newspaper confirm. Currently, these developers are closely monitoring the development of the Hondoq ir-Rummien construction application. If the building of the residential complex at Hondoq is allowed, they will surely try their luck to get similar permits on their lands too.

If this happens, the scenic natural coastline which visitors to the island currently enjoy as the Gozo ferry cruises them towards the Mgarr Harbour, may end up a long line of seafront apartment blocks and holiday complexes. In fact, way back in 1992, a developer had already tried to file an application for the building of a large holiday complex on part of this coastline.

PN supports Hondoq, Ramla l-Hamra construction

The present administration, led by Lawrence Gonzi, fully supports the proposal to build a hotel, and over 250 apartment at Hondoq ir-Rummien. The Gozo Minister, Giovanna Debono, and Dr Gonzi himself, both said that the proposed construction project would be a “good thing for Gozo”. But residents in the neighbouring village of Qala, Labour, AD, and most environmental groups, are opposing this development. A referendum in Qala has shown that the majority of residents are against the development.

On the eve of the 8 March general elections, Dr Gonzi, who has openly expressed his support to the Hondoq construction project, is promising to take up Mepa under his control if he is re-elected Prime Minister.

Ramla developers have not given up yet

Dr Gonzi’s Nationalist Party is also in favour of the proposal to build villas at Ramla l-Hamra. In fact, the developers had even contacted Dr Gonzi for help. In turn, he assigned one of his aides, who was then also a Mepa board member, to fix a meeting between the developers and Mepa officials and sort out any difficulties that were delaying the final decision. This same Gonzi official later voted in favour of the project. Only the Labour representative on the Mepa board voted against the issuing of permits for building villas at Ramla l-Hamra.

But when a Labour local councillor in Xaghra launched an independent investigation, the authority was faced with numerous irregularities which forced it to revoke the permit. But the developers have not given up yet, as they already filed a request for Mepa to reconsider its decision to withdraw the permit.

And Mepa is expected to decide on this request soon after the upcoming general election.

To view the whole article including photos, go to

Hondoq ir-Rummien u l-Ghawdxin

Pubblikata fuq it-Torca nhar l-Hadd 25 ta' Frar, 2008 minn Paul Buttigieg.

Ma tistax titkellem jew tikteb dwar is-sbuhija ta’ l-ambjent naturali ta’ Ghawdex, minghajr ma ssemmi jew, dak li hu aghar, telimina l-importanza u l-valur naturali ta’ Hondoq ir-Rummien, l-unika bajja li fadlilhom l-Ghawdxin fil-lvant/xlokk ta gzirithom. Nistghu nghidu li jekk jinqered Hondoq, ix-xlokk ta’ Ghawdex ikun qed jizzarma mill-gawhra naturali tieghu.

Importanti ghal kulhadd

Miniex nitkellem hekk ghax jien mill-Qala jew ghax ghandi xi nteressi personali aktar mill-komunitarji. Il-principju huwa wiehed: Hondoq huwa post importanti ghal kulhadd – Qalin, Ghawdxin, Maltin jew turisti barranin – ghax huwa refugju ta’ mistrih, b’arja pura u bahar nadif, b’xeni naturali u ambjent uniku, accessibbli ghal kulhadd. Huwa l-bajja wiesa’ bizzejjed biex tilqa’ fiha, fuq ix-xtajta u fuq il-blat ta’ madwar, kull xorta ta’ nies li jmorru hemm biex jinqatghu mill-hsejjes u d-dhahen u jgawdu ftit kwiet u arja nadifa fil-miftuh.

Hemmhekk eluf ta’ familji jiltaqghu flimkien ghal xi ghawma nadifa jew xi barbikju familjari fuq il-blat matul is-sajf. Hemmhekk jghoxew l-ghaddasa meta jkun rih fuq; hemmhekk jigu jixxemxu eluf ta’ turisti, imperrcin fuq ir-ramel jew fuq il-blat, b’mohhom mistrih mill-fittagni jew mis-serq, ghax protetti hafna mill-istess ambjent. Hemmhekk id-dilettanti tas-sajd jixxalaw fil-hemda bil-qasba taghhom, minn fuq moll hieles mid-dghajjes, speed-boats u xkiel iehor; hemmhekk tant familji Maltin u Ghawdxin iwaqqfu l-kamp taghhom ghal-gimgha jew tnejn, biex igawdu s-sajf fil-frisk u fil-kwiet; hemmhekk isiru wkoll attivitatjiet rikrejattivi organizzati minn gruppi ghawdxin ghall-membri ta’ l-ghaqdiet taghhom.... Hemmhekk ukoll wiehed jista’ jaghmel mixja mal-kosta, fil-kwiet tal-kampanja jew fuq il-blat gheri u jimtela’ b’energija gdida u nadifa li tghinu fil-maratona ta’ hajja mghaggla u storbjuza.

Imma... mhux kulhadd!

Madankollu, minhabba l-ghama tar-reghba tal-flus, f’isem il-progress, mhux kulhadd jifhem dan il-gid naturali, jew lest li jibza’ ghalih! Bhalma jaf kulhadd, f’dawn l-ahhar snin tfaccat theddida serja ghal din il-bajja pittoreska u ghal dawk kollha li jfittxu s-serhan taghha.

Xi negozjanti u zviluppaturi tefghu ghajnejhom ukoll fuq Hondoq ir-Rummien. Ghax illum il-flus kollox! Ghalhekk iridu jibdlu lil Hondoq ir-Rummien f’villagg turistiku u ‘yacht marina’. Progett fantastiku, msejjah ‘Qala Creek’, li jbiddel totalment wicc Hondoq f’ wiehed monstruz bhal hafna bajjiet ohra meqruda bil-progress f’ Malta u f’Ghawdex. Progett enormi biex ikissru n-natura u jibnu babilonja ohra ta’ appartamenti u vilel; ‘yacht marina’ mhaffra gol-blat zonqri ta’ barriera storika; bil-holma “sabiha” (!) ta xi 150 ‘yacht’ jiskariggaw biz-zjut u rifjut iehor li jhallu fl-ilma safi tal-bajja... U l-popolazzjoni villeggjanti? Aktarx wahda daqs ir-rahal kollu tal-Qala attwalment, wahda ta’ madwar 1500 ruh fi spazju ta nofs kilometru kwadru!

Kif tista taqbel ma zvilupp ta’ din ix-xorta u fl-istess hin tghid li tapprezza l-ambjent naturali ta’ Ghawdex?! Kif jista jkun, skond l-applikazzjoni li saret lill-MEPA, issostni li l-indafa tal-bajja ta’ Hondoq mhix ser tintmess ghax il-progett se jsir fl-ispazju mhaffer fil-barriera, meta l-bokka tal-progett kollu se jkun ftit metri biss ‘l boghod mix-xtajta nadifa li bhalissa ghanda?! U x’arja nadifa ser tibqa’ f’Hondoq bid-dhahen ta’ ‘yachts’ u ngenji ohra, drenagg, skart u hmieg iehor li jistghu jhallu mal-1500 ruh li jaghmlu darhom hemm?!

Hondoq illum....... u ghada?

Fil-prezent Hondoq ir-Rummien qed jintuza minn eluf ta’ nies, specjalment fis-sajf, mhux bhala residenza okkupata kontinwament imma ghal xi sieghat ta’ mistrih fil-kwiet u fl-indafa. X’ser isir minn tant nies, Ghawdxin u Maltin, li jistghu liberalment izuru u jgawdu lil Hondoq illum, ghada pitghada ma jaf hadd! Mal-privat ma ticcajtax! Il-bierah “taghkom”, illum “taghna”, u ghada “tieghi biss”...

Ghaqqad l-eluf ta’ llum li jigu u jmorru, ma l-eluf aktar ta’ ghada li gew biex joqghodu u jikkapparraw dak li bhalissa hu ghal kulhadd u ta’ kulhadd! Tal- ‘Qala Creek’ se jrabbu l-arja u l-arroganza li jghidu u jsostnu bla tlaqliq: “hawnhekk taghna!”... Ebda gvern jew bagit parlamentari ma jkun jista’ jrodd lura lill-Ghawdxin ‘kollha’ dik il-liberta, dak l-izvog u l-mistrih, u dak kollu li llum jistghu jgawdu f’Hondoq ir-Rummien!

Qed jgi mwieghed il-provvediment ta’ hafna xoghol, impjiegi, salarji fissi u qliegh ‘providenzjali’ (!) ta’ flus... Ghax ghall-hafna, il-progress dan ifisser: kemm aktar flus ser indahhlu f’butna!... Imma progetti ohra kbar li twettqu u llum spiccaw fix-xejn; lukandi kbar li llum huma vojta jew bil-bibien maghluqa; bajjiet sbieh bhaz-Zewwieqa li llum huma biss holma; azjendi kbar ta’ fama mondjali li pprovdewlna x-xoghol ghal fit snin u llum zarmaw u telqu band’ohra; miljunarji li approfittaw ruhhom bi progetti fantastici, ghasruna bhal lumija, u baxx baxx warrbu u telqu... dawn ahjar ma nsemmuhomx!. L-aqwa li nkomplu noholmu u nghoddu l-flieles qabel ma jfaqqsu, ghax irridu nsiru miljunarji.... Imbaghad l-aktar li nistghu nibdlu lukandi shah f’appartamenti u ‘yacht marinas’ fi ‘swimming pools’ !

Ghaliex mhux ghal kulhadd?

Skond il- ‘Gozo Local Plan” ta’ ftit snin ilu, kien gie ppjanat u deciz li l-art fejn kien issa propost il-‘Qala Creek’ kellu jkun mibdul f’park pubbliku li jitgawda minn kulhadd. U
l-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala kien diga lesta xi pjanti u beda xi xogholijiet ta’ tindif, tahwil ta’ sigar u pjanti, tiswijiet u tisbih madwar ix-xtajta.... Kulhadd jaqbel li Hondoq ghandu jitranga ghall-ahjar, pero’ hemm mod u mod kif tirranga. Li tibni rahal iehor ta’ villeggjatura bhal Marsalforn u x-Xlendi u tgharraq l-ambjent naturali, huwa dizastru mhux zvilupp. U li zvilupp enormi bhal dan ikun ghall-gwadan ta’ min hu lussuz u sinjurun, u mhux ghal kulhadd, huwa skandlu u dnub gravi kontra l-Ghawdxin fil-maggoranza taghhom. Inhoss li huwa insult f’wiccna u f’darna.

Mhux ser insemmi l-kalvarju li jridu jghaddu minnu n-nies tal-Qala, bil-hsejjes u d-dhahen ta-trakkijiet mghobbija terrapien u blat maqtugh, li jkollhom jghaddu mit-toroq dojoq u mserrpa tar-rahal sa meta jitlesta l-progett. Lanqas m’ghandi ghalfejn insemmi x’riedu n-nies tal-Qala erba’ snin ilu fir-Referendum (specjalment dawk il-85% li vvutaw kontra) li kien sar dwar il-progett ‘Qala Creek’. U lanqas ghandi ghalfejn insemmi kemm il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Qala, kif ukoll il-Moviment Harsien Hondoq u mieghu tant ghaqdiet ambjentali nazzjonali ohra, qed jishqu kontra kull zvilupp goff li qed ihedded lil Hondoq....

Sa issa l-progett tal-‘Qala Creek’ ghadu ma giex approvat mill-MEPA. X’se jigri fi zmien sena jew tnejn ghadu ma jaf hadd.... Imma jekk Hondoq ir-Rummien ghadu b’rasu taht il-mannara, hadd aktar mill-Ghawdxin infushom ma jistghu jsalvawh. U jekk Hondoq s’issa ghadu taghhom ilkoll, jaqblilhom jitharrku qabel ikun tard wisq. Il-passivita’ tista’ tiftiehem u tissarraf f’kunsens silenzjuz ghall-qerda ta’ dak li llum qed igawdu fil-liberta’. S’issa Hondoq ghadu ta kulhadd..... ghada ma nafx!

Ghalhekk aghti sehmek billi tiffirma l-petizzjoni fuq u salva dak li llum ghadu tieghek u ghalik, ghal uliedek u wlied uliedek, ghall-futur ta’ Ghawdex u l-Ghawdxin, biex l-ambjent naturali ta’ gziritna ma jkomplix jinqered ftit ftit u jsir gungla ta’ konkrit ghax-xalar tas-sinjuruni!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Unpretty Bay

Published on The Times of Malta on Sunday 3rd February, 2008 by Mark Anthony Falzon.

The model for local political participation was established by mayor Paul Buttigieg of Qala who, faced with the prospect of a manderaggio at Ħondoq, decided to hold, not Mepa responsible, but a referendum.

Just this once, locals got a direct voice. This flew in the face of party centralisation, and was duly ignored and forgotten.

Where it really matters, totalitarianism seems to be alive and well in Malta. Between parties, political dissent over issues of 'national interest' is met with abuse and accusations of disloyalty.
(Silly me, I thought that the point of politics was precisely to problematise such issues.) Within parties, each expects (and usually gets) unanimity of thought and expression among the ranks.
The hapless people of Bir­żebbuġa had better brace ­themselves.

Then again, they might consider an impromptu citizens' group and drop Paul Buttigieg a line on the logistics.

They have nothing to lose but their cranes.

To view the whole article, go to

Sunday, February 03, 2008

From quarries to a golf course and some

Published on The Malta Independent on Sunday 3rd February, 2008 by Angelo Xerri.

In spring of 2007, in the early morning, I was hiking near Qala quarries in Gozo and walked east towards Qala Fort (Il- Fortin) or St Anthony’s Fort. This fort was built in 1732 and dominates Ras Il-Qala (Qala’s Head), a neglected tourist jewel.

Walking partly on uncultivated fields and along the seashore, I noticed that the ground, weeds and everything else was covered in dust from the quarries and so were my clothes. I looked like a plasterer after a day’s work. (Ramblers Association please take note.) The bottom of the sea was no better. I found out from some divers that the bottom of the sea near the shore was covered with all kinds of debris – steel mixed in with concrete from building sites, tyres and other garbage. Two cruise ships sailed by close to shore, you could see the people looking to catch the first glimpse of the Maltese Islands.

About 60 years ago this area was the show place of Gozo if not Malta. Rubble walls all in order, fruit trees of all kinds, fields of grape vines, clover, wheat and many other crops. Blue Rock thrushes singing everywhere, as some people made salt near the seashore. It gave you the feeling that the farmers had some kind of competition between them. They worked hard using primitive tools and donkey power. One of them was my grandfather. I think if you brought some of them out of their grave to look at this area today, there would be one answer. Please return me to my grave. How could this disaster be allowed to happen, when the Authorities and MEPA boast that they are protecting the environment? Is this progress? Somebody must be held accountable and clean it up.

This area could be kept clean by closing the quarries and replacing them with a golf course. It has all the assets that a super 18-hole golf course requires; it has many uncultivated fields with good soil to grow grass and trees, it also has some water. The summer sun is less fierce than in the south of Gozo. Big difference from a golf course built at Ta’ Cenc on barren rock, parched by a relentless sun summer and winter without water in the area. The beautiful sun rising out of the sea here is like no other place in the Maltese Islands especially in spring. It will also be a beautiful sight for many ships and cruise liners that sail close to this shore, whether they are stopping in Malta or not, when they catch the first glimpse of the Maltese Islands. This is the way to Brand Malta and Gozo.

The way it looks today is a huge eyesore, and resembles a war zone. The many species of birds that stop here during migration and Malta’s national bird the Rock Thrush will start nesting again in this area, for all the golfers and visitors to enjoy. Many golfers like to play early in the morning, others prefer afternoons. It is ideal for this. Golfers can be ferried to this area in a short time from mainland Malta, from places like Valletta, Sliema, Bugibba, St Paul’s Bay and others. A beautiful golf course requires a state-of-the-art clubhouse with all the facilities – an Olympic size swimming pool, a la carte restaurant. May be the clubhouse and restaurant could be built close to a restored St Anthony’s Fort. This is something to dream about. A golf course in this area would also mark the end of dump trucks that service these quarries. These trucks use all major roads that completely pollute this village, as they pass by schools, Qala Square, spewing diesel fumes and dust, making an unbearable noise and damaging people’s properties in the narrowest of roads, and making residents so sick that some of them died from cancer. The Occupational Health and Safety Authority has done nothing to control this unfolding tragedy, especially for the elderly. The final blow will be dealt to Qala and the whole east coast of Gozo if the Qala Creek Project is approved, as all Qala shores will be polluted including Comino. When the wind blows from the west, northwest, and north, there will be no beach to go to in Gozo, including Qala, Marsalforn, Ramla Bay and Comino for Gozitans and visiting Maltese and tourists alike. Gozo needs more beaches, not a ticket to destroy them. The two beaches of Hawlija and Zewwiqa have already been destroyed with the expansion of Mgarr Harbour. Since an election is looming, the new government and the Opposition must come clean, and listen and protect the people of these islands by keeping pollution and developers under control. There is no room for mistakes like Fort Chambray on this tiny island. Mistakes are irreversible. Pollution prevention is the best health policy, and costs less than clinics and new hospitals.