SOS Hondoq News

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where has all this clutter come from?

Published on by James A. Tyyrell.

The news that the Hondoq quay repair saga seems to have come to an end is welcome news for everyone especially the people who enjoy using the area so much. The Gatt brothers did a good job and as I said before they are to be congratulated, but it now appears that Hondoq has another problem.

I was with friends last night who have just returned from a holiday in Gozo and I had particularly asked them to pay a visit to Hondoq and take some photographs for me. I have included one of these photographs with this letter. It shows plastic deck chairs, umbrellas, signs for boat trips etc all over the area, which has just been repaired.

What doesn’t show in this photo but which my friends have told me about is a speedboat moored at the area of quay, which was repaired and big signs on the railings for boat trips to Comino, which obstruct the view. So where has all this clutter come from? Well it belongs to the people who run the kiosk at Hondoq. I’m told that at night the area around the kiosk contains several boats a caravan, canoes, banana boats, vans, cars etc. Now I know this person is trying to make a living here but when it gets to the stage that it is taking over the whole area then it becomes a problem.

My friends asked some people in the area if he was allowed to do this and were told that he didn’t have a licence and had been told by the Qala Mayor to remove the items from the quay. Apparently he tried to set up his deck chairs and umbrellas on the beach but the guy who already does this on the beach threw him off. Actually the guy who threw him off the beach doesn’t have a licence either!

They were also told that a lot of people were bringing caravans down to the bay, which were taking, up a lot of space. It seems that every person with a caravan stakes out their own little territory, which they seem to think is their personal property. Actually one of the guys who plonks his caravan in the area is from Qala, a big supporter of the developers who want to destroy the area and is campaigning day and night for the Qala creek project! Someone should point out to him that where he puts his caravan would be under water if the marina goes ahead.

I think its time that the ministry first of all come clean regarding their intentions for the Hondoq area. The Minister for Gozo has in the past shown her support for this environmental rape project. Is this still the case or is she going to throw her weight behind the people she is supposed to be representing? It is also time that the Ministry took the area back for the people as it is obvious that what is happening there now is becoming abusive. The Maltese have a saying that you offer someone a finger and they take the whole hand, which seems very appropriate in this case.

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Friday, July 03, 2009

A job well done at Ħondoq ir-Rummien

Published on the Times of Malta on Tuesday 30th June, 2009 by David Carter.

I read James Tyrell's comments regarding the Ħondoq repairs with interest and it is always good to keep a weather eye on the progress of such works. However if Mr Tyrell were here he would, I am sure, be able to deduce that the area where any crane would have to be situated in order to lift the very sizeable boulders out of the water is precisely the area of the hole!

Obviously the new concreting works had to be completed and the concrete sufficiently "cured" before being subjected to the weight of the crane. As I write, the boulders are being cleared from the water and the area will soon be safe again. So "well done" to the contractors who, once having started the job, actually got on and finished and thank you to Mr Tyrell for keeping Ħondoq in our minds.

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Hondoq quay repaired

Published on the Times of Malta on Friday 26th June, 2009.

Repair works on the quay at popular Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay in Gozo are being completed, six months after part of the structure collapsed in a storm.

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Repairs at Hondoq Bay finalised – Ministry for Gozo

Published on on Wednesday 1st July, 2009.

The Ministry for Gozo has announced that following the considerable damage suffered by Hondoq Bay in Gozo, due to the heavy storms that hit the Maltese islands during the past winter, the Ministry coordinated a programme of repair works that were finalised in the past days.

Large boulders, carried in by the waves, were removed from the seabed next to the quay from where swimmers jump into the sea.

The Ministry said that extensive works were carried out by architects and workers from the Department of Projects and Development within the Ministry for Gozo as well as services rendered by contractors.

Then, as soon as weather conditions permitted, workers from the Ministry's department cleared large rocks and other material that had been washed ashore. Whilst evaluating the damage those in charge also coordinated the repair works programme.

A public tender was issued in relation to the removal of large boulders from the seabed that were potentially dangerous for swimmers, whilst another call was issued for the filling of a deep hole which had been inflicted in the middle of the quay.

The Department for Projects and Development took care of layering works as well as surfacing works after the contractor had filled the rapture in the quay.

Thus, the Ministry concluded, following the removal of boulders from the seabed this bay may be once again enjoyed by the public. One must note that repair works were hindered by the heavy rainfall and storms that persisted throughout the first months of this year. This notwithstanding, works have been finalised by the start of the summer season, whilst
precautions for the safety and comfort of the general public were continuously ensured.

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