SOS Hondoq News

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Environmentalist per excellence

Published on The Sunday Times on 22nd October, 2006.

The Minister Pullicino opened a fierce attack on the ambientalists accusing them with a hidden agenda. I wonder how the Minister did not realize that such an attack could have grave consequences by reverting the same attack on himself, being he himself the Minister of Environment and consequently the ambientalist par excellence.

I would like to ask the Minister: "At the first sight, who appears to have a hidden agenda, those engaged in struggling to preserve the environment as laid down by nature itself or those who foot and pave the way for the destruction of the ambient as caused by nature under the pretension of the famous word: "sustainable"???

Lawrence Theuma

Sur Editur,

Il-Ministru tal-Ambjent kellu l-hila johrog b'attakk, xejn mistenni, ghall-ambjentalisti. Bla l-ebda bazi fundata, akkuzahom li ghandhom agenda mohbija.

Possibli l-Ministru ma rrealizzax li attakk simili jista' facilment jdur fuqu, b'konsegwenzi mhux mixtieqa, meta hu nnifsu qed jokkupa s-siggu ta' l-ambjent u allura hu meqjus bhala l-ambjentalista numru wiehed?

Inhossuna grati lejn il-Ministru kieku jghidilna min ghandu agennda mohbija. Hux dawk li jahlu hinhom u l-energija taghhom biex isalvaw ambjenti naturali mhedda bi strupru jew dawk li jieqfu ma' dawk li jmiddu idejhom ghall-qerda ambjentali irriversibbli, mistohbija wara l-kelma "sostenibbli", hafna drabi abbuzata?

Lawrenz Theuma