SOS Hondoq News

Monday, June 21, 2010

The controversial Qala Creek project (1)

Published on the Times of Malta on Monday 21st June, 2010 by Michael Carol Bartolo.

Over the past weeks in Gozo and in particular in the village of Qala, the dilemma over Ħondoq ir-Rummien Bay with regard to the Qala Creek project has raised its head again. Perhaps everyone has heard of this project and also about the impact it will have, not only on Qala residents and the natural environment but also on numerous Gozitans, Maltese and tourists who visit this beach particularly in summer.

In my opinion and in the opinion of the majority of the people of Qala, Ħondoq ir-Rummien Bay will be destroyed forever if the proposed development goes through. This fact emerged at the May 27 public consultation meeting with the people of Qala that Mepa organised as part of the permit process.

I don't agree at all with the proposed project for several reasons indicated here. This is not what we call sustainable development. How can it be called that when boat oils will be spilled in the sea? A clear example is the shore nearby known as Iż-Żewwieqa. Is it still good for swimming? Of course not!

Eco-Gozo certainly does not apply to Ħondoq ir-Rummien! The decision is being considered in the short term, because we need to create jobs, instead of in the long term in consideration of the environment. Now is that a good example to provide to our children? It is in fact the total opposite of what they are being taught at school. Do we want our children and grandchildren to complain about how Ħondoq was destroyed?

The majority of Qala residents are in favor of transforming the quarry into a national park and not in favour of the proposed project. This is a monster out of place!

We are proud of our beach. I urge the people of Qala not to give up in the face of those who want to destroy Ħondoq as we know it. They must not be afraid to show that they and their beloved ones are from Qala and that they want to save Ħondoq!

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