SOS Hondoq News

Friday, February 22, 2013

Environmental groups request parties' position on major projects

Published on the Times of Malta on Tuesday, 19th February 2013. 
Seven environmental NGOs have called on political parties to express their position on major projects that  have regularly been  put forward for approval during each legislature. 
Nature Trust (Malta), Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers’ Association , Din L-Art Helwa, Friends of the Earth,  Birdlife Malta and Greenhouse Malta said some of the projects now being dangled as electoral bait while nothing was being said about others, rendering them notable by their absence.
Listing the projects which were of most concern, the NGOs said these would have a huge negative impact on the environment, go totally against the principle of nature protection, and could not be classified as sustainable development.
Some even lacked the support of neighbouring communities. The organisations said; 
  • Projects like Ta Cenc with its Hotel expansion and bungalow development would destroy the ecology of Ta Cenc Cliffs – now a Natura 2000 site;
  • The Hondoq ir Rummien mega project would not only destroy an entire area and create a lot of traffic but also have a negative impact on the high landscape value of the site;
  • The Ramla Gozo project, which although halted, was still in the pipeline and if approved would ruin yet more important landscape and the ecology of Ramla, another Natura 2000 site;
  • The Armier illegal boat houses issue on which the two main political parties were keeping a low profile. Both were refusing to pronounce their intentions regarding those that stole public land;
  • The fish farming and tuna penning industry where marine ecology was being severely impacted and some of the coastline destroyed. Despite promises, these farms had been kept inshore rather then moved further offshore;
  • The Manuel Island mega development shadow still loomed – when Malta was already flooded with empty buildings; and
  • The Gozo airstrip – this issue surfaced every five years and no responsible decision had been forthcoming despite the guarantees of an Eco Gozo.
The NGOs noted that there were many other promises being made including the Gozo tunnel, promised without sufficient studies, which would generate tons of rubble waste – possibly leading to the excuse of land reclamation at sea and the big conference centre at Ta Qali. This, they said, was entirely misplaced and unnecessary.
The NGOs asked the political parties, mainly PN and PL, to come clear on their environment credentials. The environment was not to be used a political ball but a responsibility that politicians needed to respect for future generations, they said.