SOS Hondoq News

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Labour should come clean on Ħondoq ir-Rummien plans

Published on the 11th January, 2013 by James A. Tyyrrell.

You would think that with an election coming up the Labour Party would want to make their position clear on issues of concern with the voters, but this is not the case in Qala. The people have been calling on the mayor to make his position clear regarding the proposed marina development at Ħondoq ir-Rummien, but he seems to prefer to wrap his answers up in doublespeak.
When someone refuses to speak plainly, it rightly or wrongly gives the impression that they are hiding something, and the impression being given by the mayor at the moment is that he wants to make it sound as if Labour are opposed to the marina proposal in order to retain votes but that they are actually open to suggestions and may back it.
It also appears that people writing on the subject have been threatened in some way and if that is the case it needs to be looked into further. Who exactly is applying pressure to people to retract their words, and what is it they are afraid of?
It has been suggested that the mayor is concerned about his reputation but the position of mayor does not automatically come with a good reputation; like respect, it is something that needs to be earned. He has also stated that he has no connection, professional or otherwise, with the developers. Yet he is Labour’s representative in Qala and as such would be the first port of call for the developers to discuss their proposals for the area.
So, I again ask the mayor: what is Labours position regarding the proposal of a marina development at Ħondoq, with its associated hotel, restaurant, holiday villas, etc.?
Qala residents are looking for an answer along the lines of “The Labour Party are 100 per cent opposed to any unsustainable and speculative development at Ħondoq, whether as a marina or a swimming lagoon, and will not change that stance no matter what else is proposed in conjunction with it. The people can be assured therefore that Labour backing for such a project will never be forthcoming.” That’s all the people want to hear and see in writing.