Qala Creek project appeal decision postponed on legal issue
Published on on Wednesday. 1st February, 2012.
The MEPA board hearing of an appeal by the developers of the proposed Hondoq project, has now been postponed
The hearing, which was due to be heard on Tuesday morning was postponed due to a legal issue and both MEPA and the developers have to respond within two months
The plans, which originally included the development of a large hotel, real estate units and a yacht marina, brought a public outcry. The developers then dropped the idea of the marina, limiting themselves to a ‘swimming lagoon’ for the proposed Qala Creek project.
MEPA has said that these amendments must be submitted in a new application. The postponement has been made to allow time for both MEPA and the developers of the proposed Qala Creek Project to respond on legal issues.
Environmental NGOs Moviment Harsien Hondoq, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers Association, FOE Malta, Nature Trust, GUG, Din l-art helwa and Wirt Ghawdex, said in October 2011, that they had studied the 2009 EIS Co-ordinated Report where the developers themselves stated “the project would struggle if it had to be developed as a stand-alone hotel.” They say that the “project is expected to double the 5-star room capacity in Gozo, despite the current demand for five-star hotel properties in Gozo being weak.”
Both the environment unit and Transport Malta had recommended that the application be turned down.
The NGOs had urged MEPA to refuse such a project and to revert the land to its original designation as a nature park.
The Qala Local Council had said previously “that it had already investigated the various aspects of creating an environment and heritage park, a project that would draw much-needed tourists to Gozo, and support existing hotels and catering establishments.”
The SOS Hondoq petition is available for signing by Clicking Here.
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