Hondoq developers want to remove planned yacht marina
Published on the Times of Malta on Tuesday, 31st January, 2012.
The planning appeal hearing on the €120 million development of a tourist complex in Hondoq Ir-Rummien, due to be held today, was postponed to May to allow Mepa and the developers to give replies over a legal issue.
The legal issue revolves around a fresh set of plans by the developers, who are proposing to remove the planned yacht marina and replace it with a swimming lagoon.
Mepa had refused to accept the amendments, saying these needed to be submitted under a new application.
On hearing this, the developers appealed.
To view the picture and the comments, go to http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120131/local/hondoq-hearing-put-off.404705