SOS Hondoq News

Monday, May 17, 2010

Government-backed environmental rape of Hondoq ir-Rummien

Published on the Malta Independent on Sunday 16th May, 2010 by James A. Tyrrell.

Once again the government’s filthy rich developer friends are putting forward plans for more government-backed environmental rape at Hondoq. What is the point of having a legally-binding Structure Plan if developers are going to toss such plans aside with the support of government in order to profit from the destruction of nature? The government is the one that came up with the eco-Gozo concept so isn’t it about time they put their money where their mouth is and did something in that regard? This proposed development will have a negative impact on tourism on Gozo as a whole, let alone Qala.

An impact assessment bought and paid for by a developer is nothing more than a joke, as can be seen from some of the stupid results this one has thrown up. They measure the streets at their widest point and then state that all the main streets in Qala are 7.2 metres wide. Not only is this incorrect, it is a lie on the part of the developer. The only way you could get a 7.2-metre wide area in Immaculate Conception Street for example would be to open someone’s garage door, and this street would provide the main access to Hondoq.

Hondoq is one of the best areas on the island to swim; indeed in certain wind conditions it is the only place where one can swim. Are the people in government so stupid that they cannot realise the impact such a huge unneeded project will have on that area? All they have to do is take a look any day at Mgarr Harbour and see how many people they can spot swimming there.

This project is nothing more than a back door move by the developer to obtain permission to develop this sensitive area. Once the bay has been ruined for all time by diesel and effluent from boats and yachts, and the hotel has fallen into disuse due to the fall in tourist numbers visiting the island, which has been destroyed by the present government, the developer will step in once again. This time the hotel will be turned into apartments probably described as a low cost social housing project for the benefit of the Gozitan people.

This proposal will not benefit the Gozitan people in any way and in fact will be a major burden on them, especially the residents of Qala. It will not further in any way the tourism potential of Qala in general or Gozo as a whole, and will in fact have a negative impact on tourism for the entire island as it has to be remembered that a lot of tourists and indeed Maltese come to the island specifically to spend time at Hondoq.

It is high time the government realised that they represent the entire population of Malta and Gozo and not just developers whose only concern is to make money.